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Drexel University Provost Solutions Fellows Named

January 20, 2022

Congratulations to the following Coulter faculty: Simon Giszter, Professor of Neurobiology & Anatomy, College of Medicine and Sandhya Kortagere, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine who join Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili, PhD, RN, Professor of Nursing College of Nursing and Health Professions as Provost Solutions Fellows.

The Provost Solutions Fellows comprise faculty experts from across the University who partner with external organizations to address societal challenges, build research and scholarship, and create experiential learning opportunities for Drexel students. A joint initiative of the Provost’s Office and the Drexel Solutions Institute, the program expands on the University’s 100-year legacy of cooperative education and charts the course for a reimagined approach to higher education. Each class of Fellows serves to highlight the research and teaching capabilities of Drexel to external partners, deepen collaboration across disciplines and unite the core activities of the University — research, teaching and external engagement — to improve student success and address industry and societal challenges

More about their research and positions can be found here